Resist by W Blix
We would like to go on the record and make it abundantly clear that We support Our brothers and sisters in Finnmark in their noble fight against Tromsø.
Stay strong!
Resist by W Blix
We would like to go on the record and make it abundantly clear that We support Our brothers and sisters in Finnmark in their noble fight against Tromsø.
Stay strong!
Life lessons part XVI by W Blix
Y’all ready for this?
320. The third biggest problem with Tromsø is the football team.
319. Start by starting
318. Regulate
317. When redheaded people are above a certain social grade their hair is auburn.
316. You treat an outside wound with rubbing alcohol, you treat an inside wound with drinking alcohol.
315. If your not woke, it’s bad.
314. At any given time, the urge to sing ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’ is just a whim away
313. Jokes about communism aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.
312. Real border security is the hatred we keep in our hearts.
311. With great power comes great chicks and money.
310. Strength and readiness does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
309. Roam if you want to.
308. Cowards die a thousand times before their deaths, the valiant taste of death but once.
307. Getting up early and working hard, that’s the American Dream Dusty Rhodes.
306. Keep your eyes on the road and you foot on the fucking gas.
305. If you’re not going with a Latin motto like, what are you even doing?
304. Hurtin’ hearts need some healin’
303. Winning is a state of mind that embraces everything you do.
302. If you wanna skin a ferret, you better bring your dancing shoes.
301. Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill em right back.
Hugs and kisses.
2018 by W Blix
We hope all our dear readers are keepin’ it real, beating up damn commies and reaching for the stars in the new year.
Hugs and kisses.
Life lessons part XV by W Blix
Hide your kids, hide your wife. It’s life lessons.
300. The second biggest problem with Tromsø is the dialect.
299. If it rhymes, it chimes.
298. Any man with two hands has a fighting chance.
297. It’s not enough to be legit, you have too be to legit to quit.
296. How do you save a ginger from drowning? Take your foot off its head.
295. Don’t wait for the apocalypse, become the apocalypse.
294. Sometimes you just have to agree to disagree and grab some pussy.
293. The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.
292. Anything’s a dildo if you’re brave enough.
291. It’s a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money.
290. There’s only one certainty in life; a strong and ready man stands above and conquers all!
289. Girls just wanna have fun.
288. History defines men by moments… and shit.
287. Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
286. Don’t let school interfere with your education.
285. A boyband must have five members.
284. Just pick a dead end and chill out till you die.
283. The winner takes it all.
282. Guilty feet have got no rhythm.
281. Drink the blood of your vanquished enemy and move on.
Hugs and kisses.
1916 by W Blix
Happy centennial!
Ja, vi ælska Bodø/Glimt…
Hugs and kisses.
Life lessons part XIV by W Blix
Let Us say this and when We say that, what We mean is We’re gonna say something.
280. The biggest problem with Tromsø is the people.
279. Don’t underestimate the power of being underestimated.
278. When you tell someone who doesn’t watch wrestling that you watch wrestling, they will inevitably respond with “You know it’s fake, right?”
277. When passing a redhead in the streets, you are supposed to spit and turn around.
276. Walk like an Egyptian.
275. Life is short and that’s why you have to do whatever you want all the time.
274. Never break more than one law at a time.
273. Communism is the devils lube. Which he uses daily to ass fuck people.
272. Enhance your calm.
271. A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it.
270. When We are strong and ready, We will relinquish the search, and become “that” which We seek.
269. If things seem under control, you are just not going fast enough.
268. Real men pay with cash.
267. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.
266. Carpe the heck out of the diem.
265. If there’s room in the heart, there’s room in the butt.
264. Nobody ever suspects the butterfly.
263. It’s not worth winning if you cant deliver.
262. You can’t wait for Patrick Swayze, you have to dance for yourself.
261. What we do in life echoes in eternity.
Live free or die!
1816 by W Blix
Happy bicentennial!
Farlig åpent la de byen…
Hugs and kisses.
Birthday by W Blix
Happy birthday to His Majesty King Harald V!
King and Country!
Life lessons part XIII by W Blix
Hear Us now and believe Us later.
260. Boycott Tromsø companies.
259. Knowing is half the battle.
258. The only card you need is the ace of spades.
257. Stick the landing!
256. Teach your daughters to shoot, because a restraining order is just a piece of paper.
255. Redheads are more likely to be left-handed than any other hair color.
254. Nobody likes a crybaby except their mommies and democrats.
253. Socialism is simply Communism for people without the testosterone to man the barricades.
252. Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone.
251. What’s the use of happiness? It can’t buy you money.
250. One secret of success in life is for a man to be strong and ready for his opportunity when it comes.
249. It’s amazing what liquor does to guilt.
248. A man is as a man does! NOT as he says, hopes or promises.
247. It doesn’t matter what people say about you. It matters what you’re going to do to them after they say it.
246. If a man says you’re ugly he’s being mean. If a woman says you’re ugly she’s envious. If a little kid says you’re ugly, you’re ugly.
245. The secret to a happy marriage is separate bathrooms.
244. Getting out of jury duty is easy. The trick is to say you’re prejudiced against all races.
243. Losing feels worse than winning feels good.
242. The successful and happy ones dance lightly with life.
241. When you’re pushed, killing’s as easy as breathing.
Hugs and kisses.